Why Bigger is Not Always Better When Selecting a Training Program

Have you ever fallen into the hype that getting into a program with major name recognition is the holy grail of dance audition success? We know the marketing teams and dance culture of the big companies can have a strong pull on young dancers. Here's why bigger is not always better, and why there is no such thing as the "best program" there's only the "best program, for YOU".

  1. Bigger programs tend to have less individual attention. Being in the back of the room with a lot of big name faculty can be fun for a Master class, but for a whole summer or year-round program it's not going to be the best thing for your individual technique.

  2. Having a program that offers a great experience is different than a program that offers great training. The experience of staying in a big city, going to lots of professional shows and meeting big industry names can be exciting and fun! However, if you're looking to improve to your maximum, then look for a program that has staff that are focused on the experience inside the classroom. Look for experienced faculty, not just big names. Look for people who are interested in YOUR dancing, and are excited about cultivating your artistry more than just giving you an exciting experience with a hefty price tag.

  3. There's a big benefit to stick with a program that knows you, particularly if there is room to advance through the ranks. Teachers who have worked with you over a long period of time will be able to give more personal and detailed instruction than someone who just met you. Hopping from program to program can create inconsistencies in your technique. New programs seem exciting when you are feeling burnout or listless, but are not a permanent cure for those feelings.

  4. Lastly, when you choose a program that is excited about you and who you are as a dancer, you're partnering with someone who is truly invested in seeing you succeed. You're partnering with teachers, directors and administrators who are hungry for your success just like you are. There's nothing better than being around that kind of energy during your training years.


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