Jessica Lohr | Studio Style

Hear from the Ballet 5:8 artists about how they like to express their style in their dance attire and learn about their go-to dance bag items.

Jessica Lohr, Solo Artist

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Q: As a professional, you get to let more of your personal style be reflected in your ballet attire—in three words, how would you describe your style?

A: Classic, floral, and comfortable. I like darker tones and simple cuts. Feeling comfortable and like myself in what I am wearing is key! 

Q: What's your favorite warm up or leotard that brings you joy?

A: My favorite warm up is my Rubiawear wrap. It is great for keeping my hips and back warm on long rehearsal days!

Q: What are the top five things in your dance bag?

  1. My pinky ball for rolling out

  2. Long Rubiawear legwarmers

  3. KT tape

  4. Deep Blue muscle rub

  5. A small notebook that I use for taking notes in rehearsal. 

Q: What is one piece of dance wear or accessory you can't live without?

A: I love skirts! Depending on the ballet we are rehearsing I have different styles and lengths of skirts I like to wear. My favorite is a long cream colored skirt I wear when I am rehearsing a ballet I know I will be wearing a longer costume for. 


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