Meet the Characters | Reckless

Hear from the dancers about the characters they are portraying in Julianna Rubio Slager’s newest work, Reckless. Company Artist Elizabeth Marlin shares about her character.


1. What role/character will you be dancing in Reckless?

My role in Reckless is a member of the Greek Chorus. This involves switching between multiple characters, such as a prostitute, a pedestrian, a train window, Hosea's mother, and many more.

2. How did you research/prepare for your role? What is something that stood out to you in your research?

I watched a lot of interviews and TED talks from survivors of sex trafficking about what their life was really like. I also researched the ancient technique of the Greek chorus and how they are used to amplify the story, comment on and explain the plot, and participate in the scenes. Something that really stood out to me during my research was how so many of the victims come from broken homes. Their insecurities stemming from an abusive or fragmented family life are what make them primary targets for pimps who prey on these needs and make the victims feel loved before turning on them. It made me realize that in order to stop human trafficking, wholesome and fulfilling communities where families can be supported must be created.

3. Describe the movement/style of the choreography. Is it different/the same as what you've done before? What is the most challenging aspect of the ballet?

The choreography for Reckless is a lot of fun. There is a wide range of movement, mirroring the diversity of the scenes within the ballet. Some scenes have a more slinky, seductive feel to them, while others are more urban and jazzy. Another fun creative element is being an inanimate object, such as a CD player or a bench. Finding ways to make even these things come alive while remaining realistic has been an interesting challenge! One of the most challenging aspects of the ballet for me as a Greek Chorus member is keeping track of all my characters and their order of appearance. For the first act alone, I have ten different characters, and I switch between them all multiple times. 

4. Why should audiences see Reckless?

Reckless wrestles with a very real, very pressing issue of our modern day. It weaves incredible storytelling in with innovative choreography, costuming, and lighting. The result is a groundbreaking work where no detail has been overlooked - don't miss your chance to see it!


Meet the Characters | Reckless


Meet the Characters | Reckless