Meet the Characters | Reckless

Hear from the dancers about the characters they are portraying in Julianna Rubio Slager’s newest work, Reckless. Company Apprentice Sarah Clarke shares about her character.


1. What role/character will you be dancing in Reckless?

I am a member of the Greek Chorus. My role shifts and changes multiple times throughout the entire ballet. One of these characters is a young woman named Hope Renee Ryan. Hope is a college student in downtown Chicago. With a dead-end degree and more debt than she bargained for, she is enticed into the demeaning world of prostitution. Hope discovers comfort in the profitable feature of her work and becomes progressively more ambitious.   

2. How did you research/prepare for your role? What is something that stood out to you in your research?

Researching such a delicate subject is daunting, yet a crucial element in creating a concrete character for Reckless. Within the first few minutes of my research, I was overwhelmed by the multitude of harrowing stories and testimonies of those affected by the world of sex trafficking. After watching interviews with victims and pimps, I was struck with the realization that anyone can be involved in one way or another. Choosing a name is simple, but unearthing the dark relationship this character shares with the trafficking world is much more challenging.   

3. Describe the movement/style of the choreography. Is it different/the same as what you've done before? What is the most challenging aspect of the ballet?

Of my experience performing in the corps de ballet, the method of the Greek Chorus is a new and welcomed challenge. What I appreciate most about being a part of the Greek Chorus is that we are given the ability to illuminate and foreshadow the story as it unfolds. Reckless is different from traditional story ballets. When watching the light and playful movement style of the well-loved fairy-tale classics, we are transported to the untouchable world of our imagination. When viewing the subtle yet daring movement quality in Reckless, we are directed to a tangible place of honesty, empathy, and faithfulness.   

4. Why should audiences see Reckless?

It's rare for ballets to focus on current and controversial societal issues. The message of Reckless is both challenging and hopeful. 


Meet the Characters | Reckless


Meet the Characters | Reckless