Brette Benedict | Golden Sessions

Based on C.S. Lewis’ renowned work The Four Loves, Golden Sessions is a poetic interpretation of love and its many forms. Hear what the Ballet 5:8 artists have to say about Julianna Rubio Slager’s virtuosic new ballet.

Brette Benedict, Lead Artist


Q: Describe your experience during the creation and rehearsal process of Golden Sessions. What have been the most challenging and rewarding parts of learning this ballet?

A: Coming into rehearsing Eros was both exciting and a little nerve racking. No one had been able to partner since quarantine, so Sam and I were able to work through some basic partnering skills a couple of days before we jumped into choreography. This helped a little, but now we are pressing through quickly to build up our stamina and strength for the premiere of the ballet in a couple of weeks.

Q: What is your favorite movement of Golden Sessions to dance and why? How would you describe the choreographic style of this movement?

A: I am only in the Eros section of Golden Sessions, but it probably would still be my favorite. The movement and music is enchanting and exhilarating. There are beautiful strong passionate sections, partnered with some softer and gentler movements.

Q: Why should audience members see Golden Sessions?

A: Golden Sessions beautifully captures the definition of the Four Loves by C.S. Lewis through movement. You experience love of family, love of friendship, love of spouse, and love of community! All of which are needed in life.

To learn more, visit


Laura Peterman | Golden Sessions


Kennedy Ditzhazy | Season in Review