Elizabeth Marlin | Studio Style

Hear from the Ballet 5:8 artists about how they like to express their style in their dance attire and learn about their go-to dance bag items.

Elizabeth Marlin, Company Artist


Q: As a professional, you get to let more of your personal style be reflected in your ballet attire—in three words, how would you describe your style?

A: I would say my style is classic, simple, and straightforward. I usually just throw on a skirt over my leotard and call it a day!

Q: What's your favorite warm up or leotard that brings you joy?

A: Sometimes I'll wear a shirt with bell sleeves at the beginning of barre and I absolutely love the way it makes me feel so elegant and flowy - it's like being in a costume.

Q: What are the top five things in your dance bag?

  1. My tennis ball.

  2. Skirts.

  3. My purple trash bag pants.

  4. Emergency needle and thread.

  5. A keychain from my sister that reminds me of my family

Q: What is one piece of dance wear or accessory you can't live without?

A: I would probably die if I didn't have a skirt. Not only does it help me feel the part, but I think wearing one helps me dance better too!


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